My Proven 90 day Launching Pad for 
Healers, Coaches, Closet Mystics & Aspiring Spiritual Entrepreneurs
who desire to build an abundant Lightworker business rooted in authenticity, purest intent & devoted selfless service to the light!

The Exalt Activation is the 90-day proven Launching Pad 
for TRUE LIGHTWORKERS who are led by Spirit VS Ego 

and deeply devoted to co-creating Heaven on Earth with their light.
not just for the sake of becoming filthy rich and IG famous…
Exalt is the place where Earth Angels Are Exalted Into Spiritual Entrepreneurship, Learn To Own Their light, and Get Paid Abundantly For Their Gifts

If you desire to create a Successful Lightworker Business rooted in devoted service, integrity, authenticity, and purest intent … If you are sitting on spiritual gifts and certifications and helping the planet ascend is your top priority versus looking to get rich & famous…

Get excited dear one, because you just manifested Exalt. 
A 90 day Magical Portal of Momentum, Mentorship And Proven Results for TRUE LIGHTWORKERS ONLY!

Exalt started in October, but you can still apply to get on the waitlist for 2025.

Exalt is for you if...

You're stuck in a matrix job while your spiritual gifts and certifications are sitting on the back burner… 

If you are struggling to find a way to market your services or find clients online that feels authentic...

If you don't know how to powerfully articulate what you do, what to charge, or how to create your services, programs products, or gifts... 

If the lack of authenticity and egoic leadership of disembodied “spiritual trendy influencers” on social media makes you cringe and you want no part of it...  

If you want nothing more than to wake up every day doing lightwork that directly contributes to humanity and propels the planet's ascension but just don't know how…

If you desire to learn how to fully come out of the lightworker closet show the world who you are and release the guilt or shame about your gifts

If you desire the confidence to charge your worth so you can make a solid abundant living as a spiritual entrepreneur. 

The secret to building a thriving, spiritual-based business is not what you think

You came here to be a humble steward of the light! Am I right?

The definition of insanity is hope, wishing, praying, pulling cards, setting new moon intentions month after month, and hoping that magically clients will come falling from the sky. 

Or thinking that One day you will wake up with unwavering confidence in your gifts and know just how to put yourself out there. You can't build a biz by being in delusion thinking and far too many are wasting precious time attempting to figure it out on their own and keep avoiding getting support to make it happen like the plague. 

We cannot have a successful 5d biz when we are out of integrity with our soul’s contract and perpetuating the lack of trust in spirit and self-worth — which is the cruelest thing that you can do to yourself and the planet. 
Building a thriving biz happens when we love ourselves enough and make a way out of no way to invest in support so that we can build an incredible life, where we are in service while being paid well for it. 

When you step into a portal with support, mentorship accountability, encouragement, and magic, not only do you see it's possible, about your mission …

When you are in an environment that rewires your belief systems, fulfilling your life purpose mission is inevitable.

Come Get Your Wings in EXALT!

A 90-day Accelerator for Spiritual Entrepreneurs 
to Create Magic, Momentum and Miracles

Well, dear one… If you're prepared to combine your intentions with divinely guided action in a heart-centered community that offers unwavering support, customized coaching, fun, authenticity, accountability, and genuine encouragement so that you can cultivate the clarity, confidence, and momentum to jump-start your 5D biz for real…

Exalt is the no-brainer proven roadmap that generates insane results in just 90 days or less.

Whether sitting on an idea, offering, retreat, course, book, or podcast, Exalt is the place to get ER done!

Whether you're just starting out without an offer or a business idea, or seeking to refine your messaging, clarify your ideal client, sort your pricing, get practice with your services products, or gifts, need feedback and a catalog of raving videos testimonials for social proof, desire to get confident on the gram or, grow your social media, Exalt just works. 

In short– my 5x proven system enables you to stop dwelling on the “how” and exalts you onto your Spiritual entrepreneur path in 90 days.

The secret to building a thriving, spiritual-based business is not what you think

So many of us get trapped in the matrix spell thinking “It’s safer to stay in my corporate job than taking a risk and working for myself”.

But the truth is, security is an illusion. That job you’re clinging onto for dear life, can close its doors or fire you tomorrow. Is that really safe, stable or guaranteed?

Our matrix jobs tell us when and where to be and determine our worth, capping the amount we can be paid. When we work for ourselves, we choose when to work, and with whom, and the sky is the limit of how much we can get paid.

You know you didn’t just come to this planet to sell your soul for a paycheck and suppress your true soul’s purpose.

You didn’t come onto this planet to work a job you hate, suffer, and buy stuff to make yourselves feel better about it. (Which further perpetuates the cycle of debt, outcomes of the matrix spell).

Working at a job that you hate is wasting precious moments in your life but is also self-induced abuse. The long-term effect of staying at careers that are not fulfilling and keeps us in scarcity are diseases, depression, obesity.. the list goes on. 
Not to mention, what it does to our happiness, our relationships and the impact it has on anyone around us, including our family and children, to see us suffering every day.

The definition of insanity is hope, wishing and wanting our lives to change while consciously going to the same job that is keeping you stuck.

Further keeping you feeling empty and unfulfilled and out of integrity with your soul’s contract and perpetuating the lack of self-trust and self-worth — which is the most cruel thing that you can do to yourself. 

It’s about loving yourself enough to invest in support so that you can build an incredible life, where you are shining your light and becoming a magnet to your desires.

When you trust Spirit has your back and take action accordingly, life will get better and you’ll stop living in the fear that has you victim to your current circumstances.

When you step into a portal with support, accountability, encouragement, and magic, not only do you get fired up and inspired about your mission …
But you create the environment that rewires your belief systems and makes fulfilling your life purpose mission inevitable.

That’s how you do your part to co-create the New Earth. 

Are you ready to unlock your divine potential—and launch or amplify your thriving, spiritual-based business? 

Introducing: Exalt, The Place Where Lightworkers Fly

A 90-day Activation for Spiritual Entrepreneurs 
to Create Magic, Momentum and Miracles

If you could snap your fingers, and wake up every day excited and inspired to be getting paid abundantly to share your magic medicine or mentorship with the world…
Would you?

Fully out of the spiritual closet, your light turned all the way on, and unapologetically living your life for real as a paid career?

Well, dear one… If you're prepared to combine your intentions with divinely guided action in a community that offers support, encouragement, and momentum, Exalt is a no-brainer for you if you want to get into action and create insane results in 90 days or less, the lightworker way!

That's right, Exalt is the roadmap that creates results to prove it! With Exalt you are in a portal, that clarifies, inspires, creates miracles, and manifestations are sped up and amplified to take your business up a notch. In Exalt you are given the supportive community, coaching, and accountability to make your goals a reality, or better yet exceed them in just 90 days. 

Whether you are sitting on an idea, offering, retreat, course, book, or podcast, Exalt is the place to get it done!  Whether you're just starting out without an offer or a business idea, seeking to refine your existing path, or amplifying your reach, Exalt is tailored to guide you.

Inside Exalt, you'll learn the Lightworker approach to business: one that doesn't rely on the traditional masculine hustle. We're here to show you that Lightworkers possess a distinctive way of building a business, where your light becomes your lead magnet and Spirit serves as your strategist.

If you're a Lightworker who wants to pivot out of your 9-5 into being a full-time Lightworker who is paid abundantly for your spiritual gifts, my proven system enables you to stop dreaming or dwelling on the how and gets you exalted into your Lightworker path in 90 days.

Get the momentum, community, confidence, and guidance required to turn your mission into reality. Join me in and Exalt now.

Meet Amber Valdez

A guiding light leading the way for those seeking a profound career, and spiritual growth. Her diverse experience as a TV Personality, NFL Cheerleader, and bestselling author, Amber has been leading Coaches, Healers, and Lightworkers around the globe for over a decade to come out of the closet, love themselves, own their worth so they can get paid for their heart- led service to the light. 

Amber's NO BS intuitive coaching, paired with her expertise in being authentic AF on social media allowed her to build a 7 figure business organically with zero marketing dollars, is unparalleled in this industry of funnels and ads. Her greatest honor is to help aspiring closet mystics and spiritual entrepreneurs, embrace their worth, and own their gifts so they can execute their soul's mission and create prosperous 5D businesses rooted in integrity and genuine service to the light.

What People Say About Amber

Unconditional support and weekly accountability to A legit portal that amplifies growth, A safe space to bounce off ideas, get feedback, and build your self-confidence in your voice, offers, social presence, and gifts, and create more results and momentum than you could ever imagine or create in just 90 days on your own. 

In a world saturated with funnel strategies, bro-marketing, influencers only showing their IG-worthy life & highlight reels, and fb ads, Exalt takes the 5D Approach… In exalt true success is proven from intention, mentorship, accountability community, support and aligned messy AF action. 

Exalt is the safe container to explore, be seen, held, celebrated, never judged and try things on and supported through it all.

Imagine the relief and excitement when you learn all this in the next 90 days…

  • Learn your soulmate client avatar (Who you serve).  Fine-tune or refine your unique message so that they can hear you and easily find you.
  • ​Learn how to powerfully articulate what it is you do and how you help others 
  • Get crystal clear on what your unique offerings, services, products, programs, or services are and how you want to share
  • Learn my fun and easy process to confidently decide what to price and package your services- programs- or products 
  • Learn how to reverse engineer your goals into bite-size tasks so they actually happen in 30-60-90 days!
  • Create unshakable confidence in your skills and abilities
  • Learn to give zero fucks and break through the fear and cringe of showing up and being yourself on social media with my proven process that has supported 1000’s
  • ​Learn how to create an easy starter branding guide for your biz
  • Beta test your programs, coaching, healings, or offers so that you can gain unwavering confidence in your results and craft
  • Gain honest, supportive feedback you wouldn't know otherwise by trading your services with other Exalt Angels
  • Get instant market research on your offerings, titles, ideas, pricing, photos, logos etc…
  • Build a folder for street credit and 10-30 raving testimonials for your website and social media
  • ​Gain tangible evidence, proof of what's possible by proxy to others in messy action creating results alongside you and silencing the doubt in your head or your environment about being a successful spiritual entrepreneur
  • Build unshakable confidence in your skills and abilities
  • Be swept up in a magical portal of next-level daily motivation, momentum, and growth that fosters insane results faster than you could ever do solo.
… And so much more.

The Curriculum


Success Stories From Exalt

Here's What's Included When You Join The Exalt Accelerator Today

12 weeks of Weekly 2-hour Group Mentorship

Whether you already started your business, or are just starting, this is where so much magic happens.  

You will laugh, share, ask questions, sometimes even cry, receive next-level insight, get a hot seat coached in front of the group in real time, and experience others doing the same.

In fact some of the most invaluable learnings, ideas, and inspiration come while witnessing others during their hot seat moments which will often bring powerful breakthroughs by proxy. 

 Here you are seen, celebrated, loved, encouraged, and held accountable. All of you are welcome here, as your wins are our wins and when one of us heals, we all heal.

2x60-minute Private Mentorship Sessions with Amber

During these potent strategy sessions, we get crystal clear on your intention and reverse engineer tasks for your 30-60-90 day road map so that you can smash your results. 

From crafting your offer, creating your curriculum or program, to nailing your pitch, creating your ideal client avatar or messaging, locking in your pricing, to providing you a list of juicy social media content ideas, writing your bio or workshop outline, editing your offer emails, or landing page, I gotchu.  
You will leave these sessions with so much clarity, getting so much accomplished, feeling inspired and eager to execute your next action steps. 

If needed we may do inner child or forgiveness work, cut cords, or some somatic work to release any blocks that may arise . I have a decade of tools to assist in whatever it takes to get you aligned and back in action babes! 

Accountability Portal via Telegram

This is the Magic portal where we stay connected, ask questions, share wins, make requests and cheer one another on in between our weekly sessions!

This is where we post pics, voice notes, or videos, share about our offers, events or ask for support in sharing our offerings and even prayer requests.

A Vault of Masterclasses & Live Calls with Industry Experts

Classes on topics such as:
1. How to launch a successful podcast and get booked as A guest
2. Soul-based branding 101
3. Basic CYA ( cover your A**) legal contract support

And so much more!

Did You Know That In Just Under 90 Days My Exalt Students...

➜ Launched successful podcasts
​➜ Wrote best-selling books 
​➜ Quit soul-sucking matrix jobs & 3x their income 
​➜ Made more in 3 months during Exalt than they made all year
➜ Generated revenue in their coaching biz for the first time
Raised prices and redefined offers
​➜ Manifested their very first clients & launched their very first programs, workshops, masterclasses, and offers
​➜ Manifested tens of thousands of $ in abundance “out of nowhere”!
​➜ Went from $0k month to $15k and 2- 30k months 
➜ Started YouTube channels
​➜ Wrote songs & collaborated with recording artists
​➜ Had their band booked at Big Festivals & songs played on the radio 
​➜ Launched and sold out their first jewelry lines 
​➜ Launched Etsy stores & candle company 
​➜ Sold out homemade products at pop-ups
➜ Had content go viral on social media for the first time ever 
➜ Went from 1300 followers to 13k in just 3 weeks 
➜ Led their first sound baths and ceremonies 
➜ Got first-ever paid speaking gigs
➜ Made 8k selling their books 
➜ Got Booked on College campuses and corporate workshops
➜ Started facilitating mother-daughter circles 
​➜ Booked at two locations & began facilitating weekly meditation classes 
​➜ Got healing certifications and started doing free & paid healings 
​➜ Booked their first paid clients after trying for years on their own 
➜ Got so busy that had to stop taking new clients
➜ Launched International retreats and local moon ceremonies and gatherings & events 
​➜ Went live for 30 days and broke their fear of being judged 
Came out of the closet to family and friends and never looked back
➜ Doing sound events at community events, schools and retirement homes
➜ Created Social Media that was organic & worked for them
​➜ Got TV show offers and featured on podcasts 
➜ Make back their investment with their first offer 

​And so, so much more! 

Success Stories From Fellow Exalt Grads

What You Get When You Join Exalt Today

  • ​12 weeks of LIVE Group Mentorship & Hot Seat Coaching Sessions ($7777 value)
  • ​2x One-hour Private Mentorship Strategy Sessions with Amber ($4444 value)
  • ​Exalt Magic Telegram Chat: Ask questions, deepen connection, get support, pitch offerings, request promotional support, post trades, make prayer requests, get feedback, stay inspired & cheer each other on! ($1000 value)
  • ​​3x 90 minute masterclasses with industry experts ($1111 value)



BUT when you Apply TODAY  
& If Selected For This Mentorship,
The TRUE Lightworker Price Is ONLY
That’s a HUGE $9878 DISCOUNT
*Payment plans available

If you are experiencing temporary scarcity that feels like too big of a stretch but still committed to moving the needle…
 You're welcome to apply to participate in our group experience. Here you will be a part of the juicy momentum magic and can still create INSANE results less the privates with Amber!

*Limited spaces available for only $2222 
** Payment plans starting at $555/month


THIS ACCELERATOR ALWAYS SELLS OUT with only 12 spots available!

Frequently Asked Questions


More Success Stories From Exalt Grads

What You Get When You Join Exalt Today

  • ​12 weeks of LIVE Group Mentorship & Hot Seat Coaching Sessions ($7777 value)
  • 2x One-hour Private Mentorship Strategy Sessions with Amber ($4444 value)
  • ​Exalt Magic Telegram Chat: Ask questions, deepen connection, get support, pitch offerings, request promotional support, post trades, make prayer requests, get feedback, stay inspired & cheer each other on! ($1000)
  • ​​3x 90 minute masterclasses with industry experts ($1111 value)



BUT, When You Apply TODAY and if Selected for 
This Life-Changing 5D Biz Mentorship 
*Payment plans available

If you are experiencing scarcity but want to move the needle DON’T TRIP.
I got you!
You can apply to be a part of the group portal only as many lightworkers have created insane results and huge strides in their biz and abundance launching products, podcasts, books, and called-in clients with just the potent group calls and accountability portal channel alone!! AND SO CAN YOU!

*Limited spaces are available for group-only offers so apply now with payments of only $555 a month

Exalt 6.0 takes flight on October 2nd, and only 12 spots available!

Success Stories From Amber's Students

No More Thinking, Lightworker. 
This is your sign to finally start to Listen To Spirits' Nudge That Guided You Here 

It would be my greatest honor 
To Be The Wind Beneath Your Earth Angel Wings & Fly Alongside You This Lifetime
Let's get you Exalted into a career deeply rooted in pure intent and service to the Light

You Matter 
You’re So Worthy 
And Your Light Matters 
Now More Than Ever!

Let’s co-create
Heaven on Earth Together

Exalt started in October, but you can still apply to get on the waitlist for 2025.